Old Bega Hospital Reserve Trust

Chairperson's Report to OBH Reserve Trust AGM 13 December2016

We ended 2015 with some hope and confidence that we could be on our way to actual construction or at least firm plans. We were urged in February to be quietly confident that the Stronger Regional Communities funding (Commonwealth) would come our way. Despite the promised February date, it was May and pre-election before we found we had been successful. Now it is December and we have just received Crown Lands permission to proceed with the development application (8/12), submitted and paid the full DA cost (with hope of reimbursement later). Overall we have not progressed to construction yet and will likely need to request a further extension of the 2015 grant. That description does not give any indication of the thinking and effort Richard and Jay have made in developing a scope of work etc to get it to this stage. We thank Ken Gordon for his generous contribution with professional plans and drawings and a quote to give us some idea of what we would be contending with financially.

Richard prepared an excellent ClubGrants category 3 (Arts and Cultural Infrastructure) application ($217,500) but we didn’t progress beyond Expression of Interest - first disappointment of the year.

Of greater pleasure was the arrival of the 36 royal looking chairs and trolley for the cinema project and remaining purchases were made and installed including blockout roller blinds and so the ClubGrants and Southern Phone grants have both been acquitted.

Richard also prepared a PRMF application for $1m with careful, concise explanation of our intention to join this with the Regional Assistance Fund $500,000 and then to approach the Commonwealth for a matching $1.5m (in accordance with our earlier discussion with Peter Hendy) so that we were close to achieving the current $2.4m cost for full Main Building restoration as required by the Dept of Trade and Investment to release the $500,000 roof component before the Deed of Funding cut-off date of 31/10/16.

Tim Whitaker and Richard (produced copious documentation) had conversations with Bendigo Bank which did not approve our project but referred us (and sent their recommendation) to the FRRR ( Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal) that has given us a pathway to receive tax deductible contributions for private philanthropic donations for a specific, detailed project. That is excellent news after exhaustive efforts over many years to achieve DGR (deductible gift recipient) status. We are not advanced enough yet to proceed with this opportunity. The National Trust advised that they could not help us.

Richard made contact with 3 firms of architects with an interest in heritage projects which offer creative approaches to restoring such buildings to practical community use. One firm was interested enough to follow through and visit from Canberra, have a good look and address a combined Trust/ Friends meeting on the potential for a staged as well as one-off restoration. Their ideas expanded our thoughts on how to proceed. At this stage, the Trust has not made a final decision on whether to proceed with a local draftsperson or approach architects further afield. The former leaves a great responsibility on the Trust to appreciate and understand many issues whereas the latter would mean we are paying for the inclusion of this body of knowledge. It is highly likely that remote grant assessing bodies would favour professional bodies and reputations even though, to date, we have been impressed at the quality and breadth of practical appreciation offered by a local draftsman - and the generosity underlying the costs for plans and advice.

Richard also lodged applications for preparation of professional documentation and plans with the Office of Environment and Heritage ($100,000) and Community Building Partnership ($29,000) to re-roof the Nurses Quarters. He also included this aspect in the PRMF application: Crown Lands rejected this attempt. Results expected soon.

We have had problems with horses in neighbouring paddocks getting into our site. Greg O’Donnell observed this problem prior to the 2015 Raise the Roof Festival. He advised that he had reported the problem and arranged for BVSC (at their expense) to make adjustments to fencing which would sort out the problem. It hasn’t quite worked.

In February, we decided to develop a list of issues to discuss face to face with Karen Fowler (Crown Lands). Didn’t happen and we have not seen anyone from Nowra in quite a while. We would welcome a visit by Mark Edwards - who has never seen OBH and is therefore not as au fait with our situation as we think desirable, indeed essential. Claire made the first attempt to make an appointment with Andrew Constance.

We noted the poor condition of the circular road and Jay wrote to BVSC seeking help with this. We were not able to pursue the recommended process but, thanks to Warren negotiating with RD Miller, a much improved road was achieved prior to the October Raise the Roof Festival and BVSC slashed our paddock which made for more appropriate parking.

Claire, as a Friend and Fundraising Committee member, asked the Trust for permission to sell pavers for future pathway construction and to be considered by the Landscaping Committee.

Richard raised the issue of considering a cathedral roof as opposed to trusses. This query was referred to Pip Giovanelli (Council's heritage adviser) for response. Pip’s reply was "just get a roof on , the simplest and cheapest, what sort doesn’t signify."

The Bega Valley Amateur Beekeepers Inc made an approach to place bee hives (up to 6) on site. After several meetings and trial placements, a final site has been arranged and one hive should be in place by Christmas.

In January Richard drafted a letter to the Hon Troy Grant detailing the general situation for the Trust and the issue of funding applications. The Trust can see that a coordinated approach to funding within the NSW Government seems essential but the lack of response from Andrew Constance (and and inability to get an appointment to pursue this) was discouraging. We sought a relaxation of the conditions of the Deed of Funding, to allow for a staged restoration and to allow the Trust to engage consultants and architects to produce a general overall restoration plan but with initial stage detail and documentation suitable for high standard NSRF requirements; and noting that the Trust volunteers do not have the professional abilities to produce the documentation and construction expertise needed.

In January we commenced seeking builders' quotes to renovate a toilet to best possible disabled status. We’re still working on this although Rankin Builders of Pambula have been chosen as the preferred builder and Richard has already made some vintage purchases.

We’ve also been advised of new owners of surrounding properties and their proposed developments. Warren, as convenor of the Landscaping and Futures committee has been asked to keep an eye on this. Richard discovered that OBH is listed in the Australian Institute of Architects Register of Significant Architecture in NSW (item 4702252 as a model dairy farm). Still worth noting in applications. The most recent BVSC zoning plans will be finalised at a meeting on 14 December. We do not expect our input to cause them to change their plans.

In February a letter to Andrew Constance from Minister Speakman noted that OBH was not suitable for NSW Heritage Grants but revealed a new stream of funding called Heritage Near Me for Trust consideration. Andrew Constance’s office also recommended applying for the ClubGrants Category 3 (Arts and Culture). Richard prepared the initial Expression of Interest. Sadly, we didn’t get to full application level. As part of preparing for the PRMF application Richard and Jay prepared a detailed paper for upgrading the NQ, landscaping and Main Building toilets. After the date for announcement of the SCP ran out, we were suddenly asked to provide a second quote for the MB toilets project by the Commonwealth Dept of Infrastructure. It seemed we had a chance if we could find a cooperative builder. PRMF priorities for 2016/17 looked as if they were intended for our project. In view of poor or no responses from the other depts approached, it seemed that the Trust must seek $1m from PRMF. Richard had a discussion with Mark Edwards from Crown Lands, Nowra re our application where Mark suggested that Crown Lands would give strong support for a roof application. Richard reminded him that we had done that in 2014 - with very strong encouragement to apply - and GOT NOTHING! However, the Crown Lands team granted permission to apply for more than $250,000 which will involve giving acceptable cost estimates and a commitment to public tender. And again Trinder Alpine of Cooma upgraded their quote.

BVSC gave notice that it was working closely with the Land and Property Information and the Geographical Names Board to improve property and site addressing. This led to 2 changes of address (and stationery) for us. BVSC deemed the old name - Hospital Road - for the access road to be unsuitable and consulted with us re suggestions. Claire came up with Corkhill Place - to honour a decorated WWI nurse, Pearl Corkhill, who had served at OBH as Senior Nurse. BVSC accepted this nomination. We await the improvement of the access road and a street sign. Our final address is 3 Corkhill Place, South Bega.

In late April Richard had an informal talk with Andrew Constance detailing our problems with the demand of the Dept of Trade & Investment that the Trust produce evidence of having funding for full restoration before they would release any of the roof $500,000. AC undertook to "fix the problem". He reiterated his stance that the roof was Stage One of a staged process.

The Trust provided prize money for adult and child art prizes at the Bega Show as a constructive promotional effort. We should keep the names of winners as a historical record.

Richard and Ray Dawson worked on a draft of a Risk Management Plan - one of many requirements of the NSRF documentation which the Trust accepted.

Jay presided over a visit to the "old" hospital en route to the newer and newest hospitals by the Kindergarten students from Tathra Primary School. One child asked him where they kept the cannons in the old days. A pleasurable event. A church group from Victoria also rented the site for a weekend combination meeting with a Cobargo group. Lots of loud hymn singing!

An early federal election meant a change of elected member for us. We welcome back Mike Kelly. Interestingly, though Peter Hendy was frequently called "the invisible man in Bega", he is the only politician who has secured money for work on the Main Building. Quite an irony.

Early August produced a psychic shock for the Trust when the PRMF grants were announced and, as in 2014, we GOT NOTHING. The feedback after the announcement gave me cause for much disquiet. Why would we be applying for "roof money" when we had already signed a Deed of Funding for that purpose. Did anyone read the application (and explicit explanation within) beyond looking at the amount requested and throwing it away?

Without the PRMF $1m we were not in a position to seek matching funding from NSRF. The Labor Party in office had developed a scheme for assessing and funding regional development proposals. When the Coalition won office, the Regional Development Authority composed of local, knowledgeable people was axed. Quite a pity because it seemed an intelligent way to go about regional development proposals being assessed by local, engaged people. After the July election, following announcements for a round of funding, it was quietly axed and a new Building Better Regions fund - confined to regional proposals only - was introduced. Applications open in January 2017 and close in late February/early March. We may be eligible for both streams of funding. Early indications are that it will require a very high standard of application. We are seeking an appointment with Mike Kelly in January/February to explore this further. We live in hope that the OEH funding due to be announced any day - and strongly supported by Andrew Constance - will provide us with the professional means to meet that standard. (On 9 December we were informed that we had succeeded with a grant of $100,000 to follow. Just as important to us is the feedback on why the grant was made). We now await the announcements of the Community Building Partnership Fund (replacement of NQ roof, $29,000) and whether our 10th attempt may be more successful.

The printing press was used for a project during Youth Week funded by Spiral Gallery.

BVSC advised that Pip Giovanelli had retired as their heritage adviser and Trevor King has replaced him. We thank Pip for his generous and flexible approach to our restoration plans. Jay showed Trevor over OBH recently and he seems impressed.

Thanks to Richard for updating the Google maps of OBH and the address. Google refers to OBH as a model dairy farm. It is interesting to note that Bega may be the only NSW town that retains all its hospitals since the town began. The original two are still intact as private buildings and the others remain in Government hands. Surely of historic and tourist value.

Many thanks are due: Eric and Ron Winter for regular mowing and site maintenance; Warren for achieving the improved road and his big picture thinking; John for his competent management and foresight of our finances and attendant matters (Annual Report and Audit); Claire for her donation of a TV and her research skills; Jay for all his behind the scenes maintenance checking, building expertise, patient persistence managing the user licence process, minutes, letters and reports; Richard for his research and application writing, thinking and planning and contact with relevant people and organisations; David for upgrading his computer savvy - all of this combines to produce a well functioning trust working towards a common goal - the Community and Cultural Centre at the OBH. Thanks to the Friends for their support and the fundraising committee for their time and efforts and getting BVSC, Bega Cheese and RD Miller on board. The Trivia Night and the Raise the Roof Festival and the raffle through Flight Centre Bega have been successful events and have brought on board much greater community support.

Pat Jones